Thursday, November 26, 2009

Billy-Bob Wipe Out

It was a dark and stormy night and Billy-Bob and Al briefly contemplated a night in front of the telly. In a bizarre episode of history repeating itself Jimmy spotted the holes in Billy-Bob's socks and insisted on replacing them with a pair of Dad's. [If there are any friends/relations of Billy-Bob or Jon reading please take note - Christmas is round the corner and they could both do with socks, Ed.] A cup of tea and a mince pie later they had shaken off their lethargy and started to get ready.

Jon arrived a little later than usual but was fully geared up and ready to go. Soon all three were ready, Billy-Bob sporting a brand new cycling jacket, bikes were fettled and they set off up Cams Hill bound for Dundridge. Thankfully the rain had eased and the sky was clear and star-lit. The ride up to the Hampshire Bowman was uneventful and Jon had soon procured three pints of lovely beer. The Boys sat at their usual table and discussed the rather depressing topic of work.

Jon gets the beers in at the
Hampshire Bowman

Leaving the TCA favorite watering hole the trio descended Sheep Pond Lane and were soon back in the pub in front of the fire at the White Lion supping Bowman's Wallop's Wood. All too soon the ale was finished and the Boys started the short trip back over the hill to Hambledon.

Hats off by the fire

With 500 yards to go Jon and Billy-Bob accelerated towards the vicious descent of Cams Hill. Al followed and got a spectacular and nearly all-to-close view of Billy-Bob wiping out on the slick road as he applied the brakes too hastily and the rear of the bike slid from under him. While Billy-Bob was clearly in pain he seemed most vexed about the holes in the sleeve of his new jacket.

Eventually the riders were home and enjoyed pasta with meat sauce and Billy-Bob and Al enjoyed a bottle of chianti... for medicinal purposes of course.

(Posted by: Al)

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At 10:30 am, November 29, 2009, Blogger simon said...

of course!

At 11:58 am, December 17, 2009, Blogger Maalie said...

I trust he got a new jacket!

Have a good ride tonight, have an extra on for absent friends!

At 1:19 pm, December 28, 2009, Blogger NoVisibleLycra said...


Just thought I'd say hello. It's good to see other cycling blogs. Take a look at mine:

We're based south of Croydon and we go out to various destinations every week.


At 5:37 am, February 04, 2010, Blogger simon said...

you guys are getting slack.. where is the new post?

At 7:59 am, February 04, 2010, Blogger NoVisibleLycra said...

Really enjoyed reading Billy Bob Wipe Out. Was he alright? Having said that, a couple of beers works wonders if you have an accident and a bottle of Chianti afterwards, well, what can I say?

The countryside sounds good over where you are; perhaps one day we should join forces on a cycle.

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guys you need more posts! its nearly a year and we miss it!

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